Wednesday, September 24, 2008

QDay in Lund

Last week I was at QDay in Lund with Emil Eifrem and Peter Neubauer. I got to know of the conference from Therese Karlsson whom I meet at TED@Aspen and she said that they where doing a TED-inspired thing in Lund... QDay was a really nice event made to broaden once mind and thing in new ways. There where speaker who talked about innovation, climate change, the US election, tourrettes syndrome etc. All and all it was a great evening which I would recommend anyone to go to.

When mingling with the other participants I landed at the same table as Rolf Hedman. He was a great guy who was very interested in what we do and how we work. When I talked to him about Jayway he got all fired up and exited about our culture and manners (he got interested enough to contact Thomas Dagsberg afterwards to get a meeting and talk about how we work). I also told him about our project and once again he got fired up. After the conference he connected me with Peter Rohmée who specializes in fundraising and works for Brakeley. I'm meeting him in a couple of weeks and hopefully he can help us to get fund for our project.

Going to QDay the absolutely the right thing to do. I turned out to be both productive for the project and a great evening :)

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