Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Meeting with the Red Cross in Stockholm

Yesterday me and Peter was in Stockholm to talk to the Red Cross about our project. This was the first time we talked to any organization that will be on the receiving end of our project, and naturally I was looking forward to hearing what they had to say... I mean, if the Red Cross where to say "You may not unleash this abomination upon the world!!!" we would have to think things over one more time ;)

We meet up with Robert Cederlund and presented the project and got great feedback. He seemed genuinely positive and wanted know when we could start a proof of concept or a controlled test of this together. When we started talking about this I thought a) "Fantastic! The Red Cross is positive! We're getting traction!" and b) "How can we develop something when we don't have money to do it?". I think I have to speed up the fundraising a bit, and I hope that the meeting with Peter Rohmée will help out with that.

To summarise: Fantastic news! The Red Cross wants to move forward with us on this project.


Anonymous said...

Dude, that's great news! Let's try to get the prototype into some kind of fighting shape before you start fundraising "for real" -- it should really accelerate the process!


Mattias Ask said...

Are you great or what?! Yeah, the prototype is my main focus after today. I just have to write some scenarions of use to send to the Red Cross, but after that it's all about the prototype!