Friday, October 3, 2008

One-man agility

I'm still working on the prototype, but I've suffered from context switching the last week. I have decided to be more open inside Way Group with what I'm doing and thus tried to formalize a project backlog and a prototype backlog. It takes some time to get things to a good level where it communicates what I'm doing and supports me in my daily work without adding extra load. I think I have found a balance now...

I've worked with Scrum the last couple of years and I love the feeling of progress you get when you see burn down charts and tick things of in your sprint backlog. I tried to work with Scrum at the beginning of this project but it's hard when you're the developing team, the project owner and the Scrum master. Instead I have figured out what I loved the most about Scrum and I came up with three things that are the most important elements for me:
  1. What did you do yesterday?
  2. What are you going to do today?
  3. Ticking of things in a backlog.
Well, no one asks me what I've done or what I'm going to do on a daily basis so I added these questions to the wiki page I have in the Way Group wiki. Every morning I open the page and write down what I did yesterday and what I'm going to do today. Then I tick of things in my backlog (or todo-list) as I've finished them... and all of the sudden I feel that I have enough structure to help me without adding extra work as well as communicate what I do to people that are interested.

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